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Old 2012-02-21, 21:23   Link #770
Join Date: Apr 2009
I realize that I'm in the minority here since so many people are trying to make a romantic hero out of Villa, but sorry I just don't see it.

One of the biggest problems is that a lot of posters keep talking about how Villa wanted Mugi to stay on earth and have a better life with Madoka. Yet, there is no solid credible evidence for this. Sure there are inferences and suggestions that maybe he might have that in mind. But it is all supposition and hypothesis. Yes, I realize that Villa is not going to come right out and say to Mugi "Look, we've had a hard life together and it would be better for you not to be in Kiss. Stay here and be a Jersey Girl and have a good life".

But there is really nothing to even HINT at this from his words and actions. He hasn't talked to Mugi since he gave her the Darth Vader interogation treatment. His words were biting and hurtful. Some have said that this was a big act. Possible. But his physical violence went beyond that. Maybe it was his true anger coming out that Mugi had acted on her own and ruined his plans?

Even after he shot at her and Mugi defends him from Madoka, Villa says nothing to anyone. He just lets things play out.

The only time that I can see him wanting a better life for Mugi is when he holds out his hand for her as they escape U-go.

Others have stated that Villa wanted her to stay on earth. Well, he did cast her aside calling her a parasite and literally useless to him as he abandoned her on earth. And he did try to "plant" her at the bottom of the ocean with that BFG.

Speaking of which, many seem to be trying to gloss over his attempt to kill her. One says that it was all a big act. Who was he acting for? He was alone in his mech, didn't communicate with any one, calmly and deliberately pointed his gun at Mugi. He wasn't acting for Madoka or Lan, they were already involved in combat. Acting for Mugi? He was saying "This is goodbye" as he pulled the trigger. Acting for himself, maybe? Although, I don't know why he would do that.

Someone said that the Vox is pretty strong and could probably withstand the blast. Well we didn't get a chance to find out since Lan threw his aim off. Remember that Madoka's vox shut down under repeated attacks from Kirius in her second battle. Besides, Villa told Lan to tell Moid to destroy all the voids in Pharos or he would do it himself. While they may take a lot of damage, they probably could be destroyed.

And finally someone said the most lame excuse yet - "he didn't really aim at her: he just fired a warning shot. ." Were we watching the same show? Villa had Mugi smack in the middle of his cross hairs. I don't know of too many warning shots that go straight through the person you're trying to warn. Besides he gave her NO warning, verbal or otherwise to stay away. Just point and shoot.

I'm not trying to start a flame war here. If you want to cling to these excuses, feel free to enjoy yourself. But they really are all pretty weak excuses in light of his actions. Villa was calm, deliberate, focused, and seriously tried to kill Mugi.

That is another reason why I can't accept Villa as a romantic hero. We don't know the reasons why he tried to kill her, but he did try to kill her. Without more back story or reasons why, I can't join the bandwagon.

Now I'm not a Villa hater. I enjoyed seeing how his relationship with Mugi began and could see how she would become attached to him. But, Villa is a complex character. With all that he went through with Mugi, there better be a good reason for his deliberate actions.

Even Lan said that he wasn't always like that. What changed him? Was it bitterness over being banished to U-go? Was he concerned about the Legend surrounding the Voxes? Or was he really trying to get rid of Mugi?

Hopefully, we'll find some answers in the upcoming episodes.
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