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Old 2012-02-26, 10:40   Link #1034
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by MakubeX2 View Post
"The difference between gods and daemons largely depends upon where one is standing at the time."
It's a shame the Warhammer universe confounds daemons with demons. They're two entirely different types of entities.

I do not know what you consider true, and some of them are wisecrack-ish, but here are some sayings you may like:

What is a human if not a Pavlovian dog in a Potemkian village on a placebo diet?

Humans are gods in the pantheon of insignificance.

Life is like alcoholism. It’s a really bad habit that will harm and eventually kill you, but it’s difficult to shake off.

"Life is a sexually transmitted disease, and the mortality rate is 100 %."
- R. D. Laing

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it was burnt in just one night.

The only comfort of the worsted lies in the realization that there is no hope.

Losing your mind is realizing you didn’t have one in the first place.

“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.” (and the latter is the worse, I'd like to add)
- Oscar Wilde

“All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche

And now my favourite, it sums everything up so nicely:

"Tout existant naît sans raison, se prolonge par faiblesse, et meurt par rencontre."
- Jean-Paul Sartre

Roughly translatable as "Everything in existence is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance."

Last edited by careph; 2012-02-26 at 15:23.
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