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Old 2012-02-26, 20:44   Link #333
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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Given the course of the discussion I want to chime in and add that like others I too found the episode very bad not because I'm on some sort of moral crusade (I've long since accepted that shows like this will pander to a certain subsection of fans), but because I just legitimately did not find anything amusing or very clever about it all.

I really don't understand how it's so hard for some people to grasp that people can not like an episode of a show despite it being an accurate portrayal of source material events (not all shows are even adaptations keep in mind so this sort of thing should not be a "get out of jail free card" and this is before all the other problems with this type of thinking come into play) or that they can comprehend the attempt at humour and still not find it funny. I just really didn't see much worth getting really excited over and I found the pacing extremely poor and the attempt at a gag drawn out. That's really all it came down too.
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