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Old 2012-03-01, 10:07   Link #271
Me, An Intellectual
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: UK
Age: 33
Originally Posted by evil|plushie View Post
But killing arisa cause she's on the wrong side is perfectly ok?
Well that depends. I don't think it was okay to kill her anyway since it's not like she's a soldier and there really wasn't any need to. He didn't even try to talk to her. He's not seen her for God knows how long and he doesn't even bother to first make sure that she can be reasoned with.

But that's not the point. The point is, if you'd have to kill someone then it would be better to do it for the right reasons. Killing your granddaughter because they've stained the honor of the family name, rather than because they're a threat to other people isn't exactly something I can fully support, and yet that's what the story seems to suggest (Well not really. I don't even think it was an honor killing. It's just what Trudinh suggested). I can support it to the a degree (removing the threat) but not fully.
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