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Old 2012-03-01, 12:26   Link #182
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: HONEY~
I forgot where i read but a bunch of people where speculating about his new arm being a new power of the king. Since he currently no longer has the power of the king it would make sense he would get infected. Gai really wants mana back doesn't he? Too bad mana only wants shu, If i remember correctly it was either episode 11 or episode 12 they said something about Inori being created to become a catalyst for mana because mana doesn't have her body. Plus she almost went through the ritual last time so it would make sense that mana could talk to her through her conscious. Near the ending of episode 18 didn't Shu's mom say something about you no longer have the burden of being king? I wonder whats that about. But from the preview i think we could conclude that Gai does ritual again to turn Inori into mana. Shu gets a new power? And Arisa gets epic pissed hahaha.
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