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Old 2012-03-10, 19:32   Link #10
Bane Rieko
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Otaku-land
Age: 33
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I have only been playing this for... roughly a grand total of 4-6 hours since I got it, but I am enjoying this. I like the translation, I don't think they "translated too much" and think their choices for it was to make it more open to a wide audience. (I don't mind honorifics and certain words being left in, like the names of food, but leaving too much alienates potential buyers).

I read that Chizuru was translated to be a bit more appealing to Western audiences (aka, less "stupid protagonist syndrome", a common plight for these games so no fault to her) and that the romance is less... rapey (and I have read my fair share of these games... I know it is the culture, but a lot of the romance does sound like someone is being molested, which is... kinda creepy to me). I haven't heard any complaints from fans of the show or the original Japanese version of the game, only "it's ok" or "she's better this way" so I suppose this is alright by me as well, as I really like her as a protaganist. The romance context certainly is.

I don't really have any characters I dislike, and they are all interesting. The translation and writing seems solid and enjoyable, and for me it flows well.

The art is VERY good and the voice acting is stellar, to be expected. The music is a tad disappointing but I can't fault translations for that, just the composer, and it is good enough as is.

My only issue with this is how the game itself works. I find it a little hard to use the UI myself because it is on a PSP and not a PC, so that is my only major complaint. I'll get used to it eventually.

On another note THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OH MY GOD YES. I love learning history when I play or watch things and I LIKE. It gives just enough explanation if you are confused, but if you already know everything you can COMLPETELY forgo it too, which makes it perfect for people who want to learn while they enjoy the story or those who already and want to recommend it to someone without having to give them a history lesson as they play.

This is... either the second or third otome game released translated officially, I am not sure. But I like that they chose this one. It is one of the most popular series in Japan and the anime adaption is ongoing, so perhaps they were banking on that a bit (and I get extreme amusement that their choice is ANOTHER feudal Japan story, even if this is about the Shinsengumi, who seem to be popular for adaptations in Japan).

All in all, so far... this is actually a pretty darn good game! I would recommend it to any girl who would like a shot at this, or any guy who doesn't mind the romancy aspect. And DEFINITELY anyone interested in just an interesting historical fiction.

(If I had to put this into numbers... 8/10 so far? I withhold a set score until I actually FINISH it 100%)
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