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Old 2012-03-12, 19:34   Link #8
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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I personally try not too. I find it hard to give up on things and believe strongly in second and even third chances. This only applies to shows I really think I have a good chance of liking if there's just a few tweeks introduced though and doesn't really apply to shows that I'm pretty sure I'm never going to like. Those I will drop after only a few episodes.

A recent problem I've encountered though is a lot of shows have a habit of late at teasing at future potential that maybe a quarter of them actually deliver on. Thus I think having a staff member that I have faith in is the best gauge for whether I want to try and weather the storm of bad episodes early on. Really though I feel no show worth it's salt should have to rely on matters of pure faith and should just come out swinging with a strong start and solid middle. If they can't do that then it's kind of hard to have much to look forward too.
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