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Old 2012-03-12, 20:58   Link #15
Anime Critic
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: California
Basically, I pick up what's worth my time.
Fishing for anime is hard these days, considering the maturity level intended for audiences.
I usually give it a chance between the 1st - 5th episode the latest, to see what its about.

I picked up Guilty Crown considering it had good reviews, and wow.
At first, the concept did appeal to me, and it slowly went down hill.
Surprisingly around episode 15 it jumped.

In all, I'd say I've dropped 5 out of the all the anime I've ever seen.
Most of the time, my hunch is right and it turns out being something phenomenal.

From childhood, I remember Tenchi Muyo being awesome.
For kicks, I ended up watching all of it last summer - tbh I struggled through it.
It's just one of those things.
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