Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2012-03-14, 17:51   Link #21927
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Location: world of devilman lady
Originally Posted by Tempest35 View Post
Ura: *is out for the day (she and Omote have worked out that one day a week, Ura is released) and she spies a stack of books thrown in a corner* .... *tilts her head to read the cover* ... Twilight... I've heard about that in passing. Suppose to be a vampire novel... *smirks* Let's see what they came up with....*picks up the first book and begins to read.*


Tsukune: Hn? Yukari-chan? What's wrong?

Yukari: 0.o ...I can't believe what I just read...

Tsukune: And that would be...?

Yukari: *shudder* ... Twilight

Tsukune: *looks in the sky* But it's still afternoon...

Yukari: Not that! I mean the book I read - 'Twilight'!

Tsukune: Oh...OOOH, that.

Yukari: *tilts her head* You've heard about it?

Tsukune: Only bits and pieces. I heard that the main vampire character was a really nice guy.

Yukari: -_- ... who sparkles...

Tsukune: Well, that was suppose to be the female lead character's description of him, wasn't it?

Yukari: -___- *deadpanned* No, he sparkles. Everyone sees it.

Tsukune: ... And they don't drink human blood.

Yukari: Just animal blood. Can you imagine Moka-san chasing down animals and feeding off of them...??? *mental picture of Ura chasing down and breaking a bear's neck with a well-placed kick before tearing into its throat* ... *shudders from morbid fascination and disgust*

Tsukune: *tries to imagine Omote chasing down a squirrel and chomping it between her fangs* ... No, I can't, not in a million years.

Yukari: It's possibly the worst representation of vampires I've ever seen in my life! A vampire is not suppose to be a vegan! It goes against everything a vampire is! I can't even imagine what Kokoa would do if she saw it! And even though he has a human woman under his thrall, he gets all moody and depressed about it!

Tsukune: I thought it was because he didn't want her to be in danger even though he fell in love it her...

Yukari: ...I've seen animals with more compelling reasons to 'fall in love' than these two...

Tsukune: ...that was harsh, Yukari-chan.

Yukari: ... you know if it was Moka-san throwing herself at you like Kurumu or Mizore does, you would have lost your virginity back in S1... -.-

Tsukune: That is not...! ...wait, that's.... Argh, don't assume that I'm so weak-minded!

Yukari: *gives a shrug* I'm making the observation, Tsukune-san. If Ura Moka-san wanted to mate, she wouldn't beat around the bush. She'd conquer them. You wouldn't have been able to resist! ...I know I wouldn't...

Tsukune: Moka-san is NOT that type of girl, Yukari-chan!

Yukari: ...Oh, no one knows this better thanI do, Tsukune-san. I'm just making the point that despite that, Moka-san wouldn't be nearly as pathetic as that 'Twilight' guy.

Tsukune: ...speaking of, where is Moka-san...? It's Ura's day out and she looked like she was headed for the library...

Yukari: ... Oh no~ I threw those books into the nearest corner and ran for it! If Ura Moka-san sees them...

**Both jump when they feel a massive wave of youki and a roar**


Tsukune: ... ... too late...

Yukari: ... there will be blood... lots of it...
why would Yokai academy have that book in there library oh must be yokai twilight fan girls too the horror. As for mokas reaction Stephanie Meyer suggest you go to some remote country and hide.
"I do not hate you. I do not think your a monster just another species trying to live like us humans. If there is a monster in this world its nature itself for wanting and allowing spectacles of death and destruction."

Neo Human Angelus Von Doom to Abyssal Riful before there battle. My fic saga revelations of the past title Advent Rising
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