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Old 2012-03-15, 21:36   Link #71
Shining Celebi
Join Date: May 2004
Why do people keep talking about Shisui being revived? Kabuto already said Shisui is one of the people he cannot revive.

Originally Posted by Ero-Senn1n View Post
Because he himself is under the influence of genjutsu, and he doesn't want that genjutsu to end because if it ends then Kabuto takes control of him again and then Kabuto can use him to capture Sasuke. Of course this is a matter of interpretation of what was said about the genjutsu of Shisui, one interpretation can be that it is layered on top of one's mind and another can be that it changes someone's thinking instantly. In the first case it's constantly affecting the brain, as if you had glasses or contact lenses that change your vision and thus change your perception of the world, but these glasses or contact lenses can be broken and then you are back to your original state. In the second case your vision has been changed by eye surgery, in this case you yourself have been changed and there's no risk of glasses breaking, that is there is no risk of the genjutsu breaking.

In the second case everything is simple, Itachi just uses Tsukiyomi on Kabuto and frees the Edo Tensei people from, then returns them to where they came from, then talks to Sasuke and then he himself returns to the "pure world". Happy end.

The first case is much more interesting, there could be different scenarios, but consider this one for example:
Itachi knows that if he uses Tsukiyomi the genjutsu cast on him will eventually break, which means Kabuto will be able to take control of him. In this case he has the time to dispose of the Edo Tensei people, including Madara, but after he saved the kages and the alliance, he might fall under Kabuto's influence again. And Kabuto's goal was always to capture Sasuke, which means Itachi will have to fight Sasuke again. And this time it will be the real thing, if Itachi wins then Sasuke is dead and Kabuto gets his body. Maybe what Itachi is doing right now, that is accepting Sasuke's help, is Naruto's influence on Itachi, he now chooses a 3rd way to do things, even if he doesn't know how things will end up this way, but he refuses to choose between the alliance and Sasuke.

edit: quoted the wrong post
We've seen genjutsu used on top of/inside of genjutsu doesn't make sense that all of a sudden Itachi using Tsukuyomi would break Shisui's genjutsu.

It seemed understood to me, too, that Shisui's genjutsu was permanent and irrevocable. Otherwise Bee and Naruto for example would be totally immune to it, and anyone else could be freed of it with the help of a team member. Not very impressive for a use-only-once-every-ten-years ultimate genjutsu.

I think Kabuto is strong enough to be unconcerned, he has some kind of genjutsu defense. This also would explain why he freely told Tobi how to stop Edo Tensei.
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