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Old 2012-03-20, 00:27   Link #20283
Shadow of Effilisi
Join Date: Oct 2011
I strongly disagree with that view. I don't see how anyone could equate an unborn child with anyone else, nor why an unborn child's rights (if you want to give them any) should take priority over the mother's. From a practical standpoint, the mother should always take priority. We can't have limitless orphans, and children who are orphaned are at a distinct disadvantage compared to children raised by a loving family. Society stands nothing to gain from that; it can't support it. The dialogue that I prefer to have is that I understand their beliefs and concerns, but from a practical standpoint, abortion is for the better. In a perfect world it would not happen or even be necessary, but this is not a perfect world.
I don't think banning some of the abortion practice is necessarily "making decisions for the woman". In the abortion debate, there are two rights in conflict of each other. The unborn child, however, has absolutely no ability to protect its own rights. And therefore the protection of its right must come from another body, in this case from laws and regulations. The question is really where do we draw the line, and under which situations the rights of one party is more important. It is very much up to debate.

I also cannot agree with your idea that no abortion necessarily lead to unsustainable number of orphans. For one, there is a chance that the parents who might have aborted the child may still choose to raise him if abortion is not an option. Education and contraception practices already significantly reduce the need of abortion. The ever-lower birth rate in developed countries should increase adoption. Indeed the number of children in public foster care in US has steadily decreased over the years, from over 130k in 2002 to 114k in 2009. A number that is far from a serious burden for the US.

Personally I don't have a strong opinion on this. I am leaning towards legalizing abortion of most forms, excepting late term when the fetus has developed past a certain point and the operation is also riskier.
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