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Old 2012-03-23, 07:26   Link #17666
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: アッバス
Age: 33
Another thing we haven't included much into the discussion is the effects of AIM on magicians. Even up till now, I felt that Academy City were holding back as much as GREMLIN in terms of power.

Allow me to be extremely blunt here, but if we're talking about why Mikoto is being involved in this discussion:

1. She's the protagonist of her own series in a spin-off (and you don't normally get that even if you're extremely popular, or else we would have a a Certain Psychotic Accelerator)
2. She represents the strongest of the normals in what was supposed to be a High School story (until all sorts of chaos took over, and in normal circumstances, her mother would not allow her to take part in a war if it happens. Just look at SS)
3. She's supposed to be the so-called frontrunner in the race to become Touma's girl. (But given Touma's track record...)
4. To put it simply, her fans want to see more action from her. (though to what extent of power increase she should get when not even Fridge's power could take on GREMLIN is varied amongst the fanbase.)
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