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Old 2012-03-24, 11:04   Link #6775
Anything's Possible
Join Date: Jul 2009
Originally Posted by Shadow5YA View Post
The problem is that Tenri and Yui have goddesses. We don't know what will happen to their memories when the goddesses go away. As for the devils, we don't know if they're going to stay once there are no Weiss left to capture either.

If a memory reset ending is going to happen, Chihiro will be the only human girl with her memories intact.
Firstly Tenri does to count, she had her feelings the longest and since they were young so it doesn't count and she was never captured. Secondly it depends on the kind and level of the memory reset and that is left up to Wakaki and even then there are too many variables for specific memory resets like only the girls associated to Weiss or anyone who had contact after he became the buddy of Elsie basically it is up to Wakaki to decide the boundaries it is to as simple as the goddess leaving their host.

Bottom line anything can happen I'm expecting Chihiro end but hoping for status quo end but that is just me, IMO this series does not need complete closure but some amount is perfect.
Nothing is Impossible
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