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Old 2012-03-29, 21:57   Link #235
150% done
Join Date: Feb 2012
OK, I have several questions, mainly looking for confirmation.

1) Does Eiko start becoming less tsun and more dere as the series goes on? Or at least stop with the "Pet Dog" crap?

2) Does Navi ever separate from Eiko, or do they switch control of the body? Because there were several hints at Navi/Ash development, and that moe blob pic of Navi in one of the volumes.

3) Can Eiko control herself in her Mother Dragon form, or is she berserk?

4) Are Ash and Sylvia dating, or at least acting that way?

5) Is this a cooperating harem or a competitive harem? (For clarification, competitive would be like ZnT, where they are all fighting for the hero's sole attention, while cooperative would be DxD, where the girls compete for his affection, but actually understand that they are in a harem.)
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