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Old 2012-04-04, 00:57   Link #2204
Peep Worshiper
Join Date: Jun 2008
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Originally Posted by BigSmokeDawg View Post
My god my amp is pissing me right off. It's getting to the point where I might send the damn thing away, get it fixed and then sell it for an amp that is actually an amplifier as opposed to a computer with a huge speaker. Here's a list of problems I'm having:

-When using the wah pedal, the amp will randomly cut out after about 10 seconds.

-The amp will randomly crash, making a loud squealing sound.

-The amp controls will lock up randomly, and a restart is required to fix it.

-Guitar tone occasionally goes incredibly tinny for no apparent reason. It's had to describe. It sounds very digital, fuzzy and tinny.

-After crashing, the amp has to be left for 10+ minutes before it will even turn back on again.

It's locked up on me 4 times in the space of about an hour tonight, and it's getting to the point where I don't even want to play because of how much it's irritating me. I've gotten in contact with the place I got it and Peavey, so I'll try and work something out from there. If I do have a chance to get it fixed, then I'll do so, so in the future I can sell a pretty much new amp in order to afford a nice tube combo or something.

Lesson learned - If you want a guitar amp, but a guitar amp, not a computer with an input socket and a speaker.

Sorry for ranting a bit, but I really wanted to get that out.
For a second there I thought you were actually using a computer. Anyways, what kind of amp do you have? It might be that it's overheating which would explain why it turns off on you and you have to wait to turn it back on (so that it can cool down). My PA does this also and that's it's problem. If your amp doesn't have a back to it you can try sticking a fan behind it and seeing if that works, or wherever the circuit board is.

My amp is dying also speaking of that (it's the speaker ) and it sometimes goes really quiet also like you said randomly. Maybe it's a combination of the two. I have a Vox right now but I was looking into the Marshall MA series. I usually plug it into my audio interface though so I can play in the middle of the night !

As for easy songs that the one guy wanted to learn, Curry Nochi Rice is pretty easy, besides some bass parts and the keyboard solo at the end. Pure Pure Heart is also pretty easy I think. I'm not sure how good you are though but if you want to practice playing together and working on your sound with everyone, the easier the better! Then you can focus on the rest.
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