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Old 2012-04-05, 16:16   Link #136
Bonta Kun
Know who you are
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Resides within the depths of Ned infested Glasgow
You know for once I'd love to see one of these meetings between protag and antag like so go the way it never goes the protag actually managing to either kill the other guy or bring him in.
It's always they meet, they talk, the melodrama ensues, the shouting and illogical thinking and then in this case the girl getting mixed up in it as well and doing something hugely stupid, like massively bigger than J-Lo ass stupid.
For once I'd like to see the "good guy" actually go aginst the grain and do the unexpected.
Yes I know it goes agianst having sotry and what not but any good writer can work around it or make it into something grand.
But then wouldn't be Gundam if we didn't have secret meetings like this

Overall a rather meh episode tbh, even with the Double Bullet showing up I wasn't excited, it's a cool MS but felt they didn't do a great deal to show case it other than exactly what you'd expect to see.
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