Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2012-04-08, 22:20   Link #22168
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Issues that need to be resolved

Moka's Memories

Her memories are fuzzy?
She left home happily while Kokoa was chasing her?
Her cool/cold personality?
Leaving the house to live with her real mother in the human world?
She knew beforehand about leaving the house and not instantly sent away (crying) by her mother?

This is either a really bad retcon or Moka's memories have been tampered to such an extreme that she actually thinks sealing her powers is a good idea.

Mikogami - The other great dark lord. Is this guy even relevant to the story anymore? Gyokuro, Akua, Miu Family, Masked King, etc. all have a grudge with Touhou Fuhai. Touhou Fuhai actually seems central to the plot (as well as Akasha) but Mikogami... needs to make an appearance soon.

Shuzen Issa - Where has this guy been? Lots of mysteries surrounding him. He's got 3 wives: One is the strongest Shinso (Akasha), One if the leader of Fairy Tail (Gyokuro), and one is the granddaughter of Alucard (Akua's mother). How did this guy get so many powerful wives? Rather why did he even impregnate Alucard's descendant if he had Akasha (sworn enemies)?

He seemed to know about Akua's plans... so why did he invite her to his home?

Akua's Mother - Seems to be Chinese. Does that mean Alucard was chinese? Mysteries surround her... needs to appear soon.

Akua - What was she doing after the Alucard incident? She didn't know about Moka's whereabouts until they went to Hong Kong? Lol wtf? Even though Kokoa, Kalhua, and Gyokoro knew that Moka was attending Youkai Academy? Why they **** did she decide to storm a rival mafia family's stronghold instead of infiltrating youkai academy? According to the manga, Touhou Fuhai is far superior to Mikogami.

Cocoa's memories - Were they tampered with? She was there when Alucard awakened. Her home (the mansion) was destroyed. Her memories seem to line up with Moka's. Where was she living this whole time to not know that her sisters and mothers are part of Fairy Tail? Probably more retcons.

Masked King - Yea... this guy came out of nowhere.

Bus Driver - I thought he was just some comic relief character to scare Tsukune every time he got on the bus... but considering how serious this arc is and the bus driver is driving the blimp now... I think he's more than meets the eye.
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