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Old 2012-04-10, 07:08   Link #599
the cynic
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Somewhere between life and death.
Age: 42
Originally Posted by noobita View Post
I pity the main character. There is no way that he going to get the female lead affection. After all, he is fat and short...very short. This ship is destined to sink...very fast.
Heh. It's best not to compare anime with anything in Real Life™ - anime is after all wish-fulfillment.

But that said, a fat lead is very unusual and whether he can get the girl or not is not the issue, but whether the audience will accept the pairing however is.

Personally I'm not very fond of him despite my IMHO very good tolerance for wimpy leads. My not-so-good experience with fat people isn't helping.[1]

That and it's entertainment, I want to watch attractive people - everyone else in the darn show is pretty except him; which also makes it exceptionally jarring.

[1] Known a fat dude when I was in my early teens, he was a pretty swell guy. Hanged out with him quite often. Sadly every other fat guy I met afterwards has been conniving slobs. Yes, I know stereotypes and all, but my impression has unfortunately been tainted.

Edit: About the show, so far I find the premises fairly interesting. The "logic" of the setting seem decently well thought out - unlike some other shows. Hope it doesn't devolves into bland shounen fighting though.
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