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Old 2012-04-10, 15:03   Link #2468
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Its not *terrible* in Skyrim (archery, that is) but having done a fair amount of actual archery -- the game is lacking in some immersion aspects. Lets face it, if I put a medieval arrow into your eye socket, you simply aren't going to charge up the hill at me. You aren't going to do *anything*. If I put it in your throat, you're going to blow a spray of blood and go down gurgling. A limb shot or a body shot.... you might be enraged enough to come charging (especially if you're high on Forsworn drugs ) or at least take cover and do something about the arrow first.

Though that last bit is more of an AI issue. I like AI that exhibits some degree of self-preservation

I'm actually fine with the way daggers are handled (perks are from sneak mode not from 1h) because once you lose stealth... its really "bring a dagger to a sword/gun fight" as it really is (RUN!!! RUN FASTER!!)
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