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Old 2005-12-18, 23:26   Link #45
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Arnyer, I'm not going to give you any heat, of course. All I can say, with absolute confidence, is that you don't "get" it yet. Keep watching the rest of the show and, if you pay attention to what's really going on, you just might understand what they're trying to say. I'm not saying this because I'm trying to talk down to you or because I think I'm superior, but because, after (seemingly) everyone else in this forum expressed similar feelings, and now having seen where the show has gone since, I think I understand what the show's trying to accomplish a bit better now than I did then. The subtle and indirect storytelling style of Second Season is definitely not as obvious as either part of season one. There's a reason for everything (even the little things, sometimes to my amazement), and it's very carefully laid out. The source of tension in this show has both nothing and everything to do with Nemu and Junichi as a couple, but in a way that also has everything to do with the end of season one... and I can't say much more about that without delving into spoiler territory. Needless to say, your feelings and impressions aren't "wrong" -- hang onto them -- but pay attention to what they're trying to tell you about those feelings. You might still end up disliking the sequel in the end, but at least you might understand that everything they did, they did for a reason, and to deliver a message to you, the viewer. That's truly the best advice I can give you, for what it's worth.
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