Thread: TERA Online
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Old 2012-04-15, 23:57   Link #73
Mow Yun
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Age: 34
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Originally Posted by Dist View Post
I don't see how the option of P2P affects actual gameplay? But it should be turned off regardless, and I recommend restarting the launcher after doing so.

As was said before, NA blocks Asia and Russia .. EU shouldn't block anything. I met a person in the EU servers who was from Japan and they could play on EU without no problems. She moved to NA servers though because they're better but she has to play using proxy. She also had EU preordered but then canceled that. You do the same too, Jaden :P. NA is even cheaper .. It's 59,99€ for the EU CE. It's $59,99 for the NA CE, and $59,99 = 46€.

Btw syn, I thought character limit was 3 on retail? At least was on beta but I may be wrong for retail. I'm gonna make 3 characters anyway, where each character's name starts with Chi .. I like names with Chi in them .. (My sorcerer, who I created in ECC, is named Chiara). ... Well that's if not all names I want are taken by start of OBT.

Thany : I already said it says it in their TOS but a member of the TERA developer team has clarified on forums that you will NOT be banned for using them. And anyway, as I said, in whichever case there's no way for you to get banned because the launcher doesn't check for modified files. Just like with Dragon Nest .. And even if it did, like in the case of Elsword, you could just copy paste the modified files AFTER turning on the launcher and only then starting the game.
Launch Schedule reports 8 characters per server during Head Start and Launch.

Could you get a link on that TERA developer's statement? I'd like to see some definite proof. Sorry if I'm sounding like a prick.
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