Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2012-04-21, 12:42   Link #22235
Awe of She
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Orlando
If I remember correctly, it was Akuha that said that Alucard was originally a Shuzen vampire servant or something close to that. I might have to look that up (it was during the flashback chapters, I believe).

And in all honesty, I do suspect Akuha's view on the passing on of Shinso blood. I mean, if ALL the blood got transfered to the individual, as Akuha thinks it is, then Akasha should have been exponentially weaker than what she was displaying in her short-lived battle against Alucard... I am scared to think of Akasha if that was indeed just her base power without the Shinso blood within her...

I think that Akuha was thinking of a fight between vampires and one is dead or dying and the other binge drinks their blood to obtain their power(s). In that senario, yes, her wording on the matter holds true. But apparently, if both are alive and the blood is given, a measure of the power is distributed to the receiver. I assume that Akasha got her blood later on in life, later than Moka did becuase of the unique 'legendary' characteristics that she displays (red eyes and white hair). Although, Ikeda-sensei hasn't brought that up in a long time so it's probably a moot point at this point in time.

And also, Moka clearly did not transfer all her Shinso blood to Tsukune for the sheer fact that the seal is still reacting to Alucard's presence. If she did not have any of the Shinso blood, then the seal would be useless for the most part, right?

Ugh,...does the 'red eyes, white hair' have any significance any more, Ikeda-sensei!? I must know more about our Moka-sama~!!!
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