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Old 2012-04-26, 10:23   Link #4888
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Originally Posted by darthfury78 View Post
True. Kallen did love him. Too bad that Lelouch decided that he was DEAD since the day he was born. After all, Emperor Charles did say that to him, which destroyed his entire childhood. Thus, he dedicated himself into doing what was right: To give his sister a better world, and to make the world hate him because Lelouch hated himself. One can't have a normal relationship with such thoughts in his mind. Can he? Thus, Lelouch felt the best path to take was DEATH!

Good for him because upon his death, Lelouch's wish was granted:

1. A Better World
2. Nunnally is safe
3. Suzaku is her knight
4. His friends are ok
5. C.C. got her wish

Thus, C.C. wanted Lelouch to make her happy instead of granting her the gift of Death. If we wish to believe that Lelouch is alive, he is the cart driver whose face was hidden at the end of Turn 25. So for all you C.C. x Lelouch fans out there, you have won both the battle and the war. In the last picture drama, C.C.'s name was never mentioned by Kallen or anyone else.
Unfortunately Okouchi screwed that up when he told Newtype (or was it Continue?) that Lelouch was dead.

If Lelouch died and was thus gone there is no way he could have fulfilled CC's wish to be "truly loved."
We know that was her wish because her wish was based on her Geass.
Her Geass was for everyone around her to love her and she came to hate that.
She didn't want false love created by her Geass, she wanted someone to love her sincerely.
Lelouch tells her "I understand what your Geass was now...and I will give you the smile you never had."
The only way that makes sense is if Lelouch means he actually is in love with her.
Otherwise, it is horrible writing akin to a Roger Corman's grade of movie.

Here's the scene I'm speaking of:

He also clearly states that eternal life is hell.
Therefore, by the end of the series we are either left with gawd-awful contradictions in the story (due to bad writing) or we must assume that Lelouch is alive, but is dead to the world.

Either way, I think the ending (especially CC's part) could have been written better.
Gundam 00, Code Geass was not.
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