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Old 2012-04-30, 10:57   Link #21145
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Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post
That, you have to blame :

1. Big Foods - there is so much meat in the American diet that it is so easy to get fat. And not to mention HFCS.....
2. Japan - If they didn't export moe, people wouldn't get diabetes.
I wouldn't call Ammonium Hydroxide treated beef meat, nor hormone laden chicken, or sterioid treated pork.

The reason Americans are fat is--besides the obvious dangers of MOE --due to the fact that the majority of Americans drink soda.
Soda is basically thick, flavored, corn-syrup and carbonated water.
Corn-Syrup is being shown to have serious health risks.This is why so many Granolas (health freaks) who do enjoy a soda now and then (as a treat or mixed with alcohol once in a while) have taken to drinking what are called "Retro-Sodas" that contain real sugar rather than Corn-Syrup.

The other culprit is the whole "Partially-Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils" and/or trans-fats.
Non-processed fats are far better for the human body...doh!

In short, it is once again the evil corporations (like Monsanto, ConAgra, etc.) who have found a way to feed the sheeple with whatever chemically laden victuals are cheapest to produce.

And the congresscriters are more than willing to accept whatever the lobbists of these companies tell them to do, so long as the payoff helps get them re-elected to office.

It is interesting to me that as Americans wake up to the fact that it is the big food corporations that are poisoning them with processed garbage, the government is clamping down on small farms using everything from child labor laws to the new "Food Safety" Act to do it.
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