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Old 2012-05-05, 07:59   Link #443
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Join Date: May 2004
Originally Posted by TinyRedLeaf View Post
Hmm... yup, Yurika and Junichi go together like a moth to a flame.
mmm, I don't know, I didn't get the vibes from Junichi of being a womanizer, if that's what you meant. Surely if he were I don't know how they could continue with the jam sessions.

Originally Posted by Ungrateful View Post
aha i really think everyones gonna be left forever alone at the end of the series.
I got the same feeling, sort of. It depends which role the romance will have. I haven't got it yet. I mean, the story revolves all around Kaoru's growing-up, so in his ripening the romance is relevant in any case, positive or negative. But if they really decide to bend toward a romance drama, well, having all the three friends being left alone it would be a waste of efforts. If they decide to bend even more toward drama, well I wouldn't consider that path

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