Thread: Licensed Robotics;Notes
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Old 2012-05-07, 14:10   Link #47
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Originally Posted by hyl View Post
As for blaming madhouse and J.C staff for making bad VN adaptations.
In madhouse's case they did indeed do the in my opinion pretty attrocious Chaos;head anime, however that anime was something that you actually recommended to other people to watch a few weeks ago. So that should say something.
Hmm... nope. Not ringing a bell. I don't ever remember a time where I or anyone else recommended the Chaos;head anime to someone else.

Also, the reason why people are hating on JCStaff is because they have done not just one, but multiple poor adaptations. The medium may or may not affect how difficult it is to translate it to anime, but a story is still a story. When there are huge changes and contradictions to the story like in Tsukihime or Chaos;head, using blaming the source medium is not a valid excuse.

The point is that there is precedence to be concerned. Even if it doesn't guarantee that an animation studio will butcher a new series, it also doesn't mean there's nothing to worry about.
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