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Old 2012-05-08, 23:47   Link #248
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Vereinigte Staaten
Age: 32
lol , if you watch it to the end it talks about how the Filipinos will have to eventually give in anyway because so much of their banana crop depends on Chinese business. It's like saying "oh and if you didn't believe the sovereignty BS we tried to feed you earlier, well guess what! we're boss, what're you gonna do about it?"

Disclaimer: My comprehension skills of news-level Mandarin isn't very good, could've gotten something wrong there.

The joke with China is that it is has always been slow to accept change. In its resistance to change it got rolled over by outsiders.
Well to be fair that's what happened to most countries that aren't European. Look at the Philippines itself , it got totally owned by Western expansion.
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