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Old 2012-05-10, 05:32   Link #38
Bubbly and super fun
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Doesn't look like Kansas
Originally Posted by Ulquiorra View Post
I don't know how you make a sound genjutsu like Mateki-Mugen Onsa more powerful outside of increasing its range. It is different than a fireball where obviously the size and intensity of the flame can be increased.
The same way you increase the power of every jutsu. The size and intensity of a Katon is function of the amount and potency of the chakra used and it's the same with Genjutsu sound-based or not. Are you somehow under the impression that a Genjutsu using sound as a vector to propagate chakra to its target means that all sound-Genjutsu must be equally powerfull no matter its user or the particular of the Genjutsu? It makes no sense, do you think all sight-based Genjutsu have all the same potency regardless of who uses them? I think not.

There is no shame in Itachi and Sasuke getting caught in it. Or having to rely on each other to escape. The sharingan is not immune to sound genjutsu. And Susanoo could not protect them. Sound genjutsu is said to be most dangerous form of genjutsu for a reason. Shikamaru only escaped because...well he is Shikamaru and no one else thinks that many steps ahead. And Temari was able to blow away the sound.
The Sharingan isn't immune to Genjutsu period, sound Genjutsu wasn't said to be the most dangerous form of Genjutsu (though Shika once explained it's the worse to deal with because there is not much you can do to stop it from long distance) so yes there is no shame getting caught in it. What is however very impressive is the fact that they needed outside help to break out of it but that's a testament to Kabuto's skill and power, not Tayuya's.
It's the same for all the abilities Kabuto has stored within the freak show that is his DNA. A jutsu is only as good as the person who wield it.
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