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Old 2012-05-13, 23:28   Link #1240
Anime Watcher
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Elsewhere
Age: 35
I've never really been one for posting theories (or posting at all.) But I have a hard time turning down a good mystery.

Originally Posted by Eater of All View Post
My conspiracy theory of the day is that Houtarou deliberately withheld the truth from Chitanda. What Houtarou presented was pretty much just connecting everyone's research into one story. Too anticlimatic. Also, the way that preview focuses on Houtarou is really screaming that he has more to say.

Not that I can even guess what the truth might be.
Yeah, I have to agree, seems like Houtarou was withholding information, both the preview and Chitanda's words at the end make it obvious there's more to it then that.

Let's break it down like Houtarou would shall we?


1: Chitanda said her uncle would tell her everything, anything she asked about he would tell her. Yet for some reason he refused to tell her about this incident. But being as stubborn Chitanda is she kept pushing untill she got an answer.

Why would her uncle refuse to tell her about this incident? What could have happened that he'd be stubborn about not talking about?

2: Chitanda's reaction to being told what happened. She cried, she kept crying, and her uncle didnt try to console her.

What could Chitanda have been told that would cause her to react like this? Why wouldnt her uncle try to console her at all? But most importantly, why would she want to forget something so important?

Putting these pieces of information together with the conclusion Houtarou came to (assuming he's witholding info from Chitanda,) The most likely truth I can come to is.....

Spoiler for My Conclusion:

I'd put more down but I lack information and time to do so, as it is past midnight here.

Feel free to tear this theory apart btw.
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