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Old 2012-05-17, 02:03   Link #9
Irregular Hunter
Join Date: Oct 2010
Age: 37
Houtarou and Holmes

I think this should be stated somewhere in this thread, so here goes:

A lot of people compare Houtarou to Sherlock, but as many people in various blogs and boards pointed out, he is more similar to the older sibling, Mycroft Holmes. Here's a quote about him:
...he has no ambition and no energy. He will not even go out of his way to verify his own solutions, and would rather be considered wrong than take the trouble to prove himself right. Again and again I have taken a problem to him, and have received an explanation which has afterwards proved to be the correct one. And yet he was absolutely incapable of working out the practical points...

—Sherlock Holmes, speaking of his brother in "The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter"
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