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Old 2012-05-17, 21:06   Link #1624
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: 国立音ノ木坂学院
For last round...
1. Homuhomu lose as expected...come on, it's just Kurisu, who's not exactly really THAT strong...
2. Yurippe won fairly huge against Charlotte. How far have you fell, Charlotte? (Although I think she lose to Yurippe by around same margin last year...)
3. Kaminomi Civil War, Shiori edged out Kanon by 37 votes. As expected, it's a close one b/t two mid-tier (maybe...) girl
4. Niku retains the Haganai crown by 87 votes.
5. Victorique...not looking good at all when Kirino basically trash her (okay, it's only 900, but still...)
6. Poor least Kanade didn't go over 6000 by still got 70% on her...
7. Kuroneko is still underperforming by her standard. Will see how she do against Niku this round
8. Iris lose to Riko of all people...
9. Hitagi lose by quite an amount...not even Nisemonogatari can push her up to Tier 2...
10. Nadeko lose by 800 against Saber...Fate/Zero effect?
11. Last note? Sora & Miu really disappoint me...come on, only 72%?

Vote this round...

ARENA 01: Gasai Yuno [Shimada Minami]
(Yuno might as well go 0-35)
ARENA 02: Fear Kubrick [Haqua du Lot Herminium]
(Fear is not bad, but Haqua is on a different level)
ARENA 03: Kuroi Mato [Charlotte Dunois]
(Will see how far Mato rise and how far Charlotte fall)
ARENA 04: [Kanzaki H. Aria] Irisviel von Einzbern
(くぎゅうううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう うううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう)
ARENA 05: Makise Kurisu [Himeji Mizuki]
(BakaTest vote...)
ARENA 06: Sakura Kyōko [Aragaki Ayase]
(NEED...MOAR...AYASE...wait, Oreimo P 1.5 is out!!!)
ARENA 07: [Tōwa Erio] Mikazuki Yozora
(Poor Erio, getting zero love as usual)
ARENA 08: Konoe Subaru [Nakagawa Kanon]
(Don't see me voting for Subaru any time soon...)
ARENA 09: Eucliwood Hellscythe [Victorique de Blois]
(Victorique = moe, but she'll continues her fall, as much as she's still ahead of the muddle)
ARENA 10: Yuzuriha Inori [Shiomiya Shiori]
(May finally be able to tell how strong Shiori is or how weak Inori is...)
ARENA 11: Suzutsuki Kanade [Kasugano Sora]
(Imouto factor...that's pretty much it)
ARENA 12: [Akemi Homura] Kōsaka Kirino
(No imouto-kei game today, but Homura needs LOTS of love...)
ARENA 13: [Hasegawa Kobato] Honma Meiko
ARENA 14: [Mine Riko] Iwasawa Masami
(Anti-voting Iwasawa)
ARENA 15: [Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko)] Kashiwazaki Sena
(First real challenge for Kuroneko. Niku won in LN ranking, is probably more popular recently, and everyone knows that she's only Tier 2 just b/c of split vote b/t her and Kobato...)
ARENA 16: Haruna [Elucia de Lute Ima]
(Hard to hate the Bakuma)
ARENA 17: Yui [Tachibana Kanade]
(Poor Yui-nyan, Kanade v. another AB girls never end good...)
ARENA 18: [Kirishima Shōko] Nakamura Yuri
(I still don't like Yurippe, though, plus, yeah, another BakaTest vote)
ARENA 19: [Kirishima Kaito, Tanigawa Kanna] Uryū Shingo, Inui Sana
(Don't leave, Senpai...)

================================================== =======

ARENA 20: Ichinose Kotomi [Shiina Mafuyu]
(Both of them needs love, it's basically a coin flilp to decide Mafuyu > Kotomi...)
ARENA 21: Index L. Prohibitorum [Fujibayashi Kyō]
(Kyou is a LOT better)
ARENA 22: Saber [Akiyama Mio]
(Upset alert by Saber...)
ARENA 23: Hirasawa Yui [Last Order]
(Come on, hard to not like an imouto > an onee-chan)
ARENA 24: Illyasviel von Einzbern [Sakagami Tomoyo]
(Tomoyo still have that power...)
ARENA 25: Nymph [Sanzen'in Nagi]
(くぎゅうううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう ううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう)
ARENA 26: [Louise Vallière] Holo
(くぎゅうううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう ううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう)
ARENA 27: Furukawa Nagisa [Asahina Mikuru]
(Mi, Mi, Miracle, Mi, Miku-run, run)
ARENA 28: [Nakano Azusa] Katsura Hinagiku
(ぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろぺろ. Okay, it's not as easy as it sounds...another coin flip decision here)
ARENA 29: [Oshino Shinobu] Ikaros
ARENA 30: Kotobuki Tsumugi [Abstained] Hecate
(Don't feel like voting for either)
ARENA 31: [Aisaka Taiga] Suzumiya Haruhi
(くぎゅうううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう ううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう)
ARENA 32: [Nagato Yuki] Shirai Kuroko
(Sorry, Kuroko, the goddess of moe is at a totally different level)
ARENA 33: Hirasawa Ui [Izumi Konata]
(Legendary Shoujo A FTW)
ARENA 34: Misaka Mikoto [Senjōgahara Hitagi]
(Hitagi needs love. She has no chance here but oh well...)
ARENA 35: Konjiki no Yami [Hiiragi Kagami]
(Since I didn't vote for Kyubey Kagami in 38, have to vote for her here)
ARENA 36: Sengoku Nadeko [Shana]
(クぎゅうううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう うううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううううう。Y eah, about the only thing that differentiate b/t these two...)
ARENA 37: C.C. [Abstained] Tōsaka Rin
(Still don't like either)
ARENA 38: Izumi Konata, Hiiragi Kagami [Elucia de Lute Ima, Haqua du Lot Herminium]
(It's impossible to decide. At the end, the weakness of Konata throw my vote to the Elsie-Haqua side...)

Last edited by ion475; 2012-05-17 at 21:39.
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