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Old 2012-05-26, 19:45   Link #239
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Age: 33
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Alright, now that I've got that off my chest xD

So I've been dabbling a little bit with ONScripter over the past few days (Kinjo, you are an outstanding individual, your guide has been unbelievably helpful) and I must say I have seriously underestimated the amount of work you guys put in to making these fangames.

I honestly spent approximately 10~ hours? editing a short pilot I made for a forgery (that may or may not see the light of day), and for that 10 hours of work I had...40 minutes of screen time? And that doesn't even include the time it took me to WRITE the story in the first place...

So kudos to Kinjo and Jan Poo, and anyone else out there who has been working on fangames like theirs that I havn't had a chance to read yet. The amount of time you people must have put in is absolutely unbelievable.

EDIT: Oh that reminds me, I was having a bit of trouble trying to get costume switching to work. For example, the switch I was trying to make was to make Featherine appear in her Witch's attire, however every time I tried it threw an error. I managed to work around it for the short term, but its going to be an issue if I try and continue this. Any help in resolving it would be greatly appreciated.

Spoiler for Error:

Last edited by TwilightsCall; 2012-05-26 at 19:59.
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