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Old 2012-05-28, 02:04   Link #7507
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Originally Posted by Destined_Fate View Post
R2 was rushed which is maybe why they had Lelouch die in the end. No argueing there. Still, there was nothing that could be done for Gino since his attraction was based initially on her being extremely hot and that he wanted to prove he was the better pilot. There was no way a relationship could have worked out because Lelouch was still around and who was now Kallen's everything.
That's why I said they never explored it further.
It's a loose end.

Kallen loved Zero but R2 was her learning that the Zero she loved was actually the real Lelouch. Just like in R1 Lelouch didn't really like the frail "fake" Kallen and did everything he could to get a rise out of her to get the "real" Kallen to come out. By the end of R2 it didn't matter if Lelouch continued to be Zero or not, she loved the "real" him just like he fell in love with the "real" her. They realy went a long way since he intially thought of her as a pawn and she thought Lelouch was a scumbag.
I contend that Lelouch loved the three main females in his life (Shirley, Kallen, and CC), and that we saw his romantic feelings develop from high-school sweetheart, Shirley, to teenage badgirl, Kallen, to sophisticated woman, CC.
That is the evolution of his love-life as presented in the anime.

Also, Suzaku as Zero isn't the same as Lelouch as Zero. For starters Suzaku lacked the heart and character as Lelouch and lets face it. Suzaku is a bumbling idiot when placed next to Lelouch. Just because he wears the Zero name doesn't mean Kallen forgives Suzaku for all he's done. If she just loved "Zero" just because he's called Zero than she would have tried to get with all the 100 Zero's before they were exiled which clearly didn't happen.
I agree in part.
Suzaku is an idiot, but he is the closest person Kallen has to Lelouch and thus the possibility exists.
Kallen really can't love Lelouch, who killed so many, and hate Suzaku for the same thing.
Being an old maid is not how I'd like to see Kallen spend the rest of her days after Lelouch's death.
Give the girl a break and let her have some actual romance in her life: Suzaku, Gino, whoever now that Lelouch is gone.
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