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Old 2012-05-28, 03:38   Link #7510
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Originally Posted by GundamFan0083 View Post
That's why I said they never explored it further.
It's a loose end.

I contend that Lelouch loved the three main females in his life (Shirley, Kallen, and CC), and that we saw his romantic feelings develop from high-school sweetheart, Shirley, to teenage badgirl, Kallen, to sophisticated woman, CC.
That is the evolution of his love-life as presented in the anime.

I agree in part.
Suzaku is an idiot, but he is the closest person Kallen has to Lelouch and thus the possibility exists.
Kallen really can't love Lelouch, who killed so many, and hate Suzaku for the same thing.
Being an old maid is not how I'd like to see Kallen spend the rest of her days after Lelouch's death.
Give the girl a break and let her have some actual romance in her life: Suzaku, Gino, whoever now that Lelouch is gone.
Kallen hated Suzaku for being a traitor and a hypocrite (not to mention almost injecting her with Refrain).

Originally Posted by GundamFan0083 View Post
CC was not content with how things ended up.
She cried while praying for Lelouch in episode 25, you should know that.
I agree there are degrees of love, and they go like this (for men):

The woman you have sex with.
The woman you love.
The woman you marry (want to spend your life with).

The woman you have sex with is one you are only interested in for sex. In Lelouch's case this would be Kallen since he incontrovertibly solicits Kallen for sex in R2, and has no qualms about sending her into battle. Even though she might get killed. He also lets her go quite easily in episode 25, after she kisses him and he says "goodbye Kallen."

The woman you love is also a woman you find sexually attractive, but she means more to you than that and thus you care about her safety, and will do anything to protect her. In Lelouch's case this is Shirley. Lelouch clearly finds her attractive, even agrees to go on a date with her, and uses his Geass on her to make her forget him because he loves her and doesn't want her to get hurt.
Maybe he sends her into battle because he BELIEVES in her, not to mention she believes in both Lelouch and the cause 100%.

Besides, he let her go because he didn't want her to die with him. You CANNOT compare his state during Zero Requiem to his state before them.

He let C. C. remain with him because the latter, by contrast, had nothing to lose, being a perpetual vagabond of society.
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