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Old 2012-05-28, 10:30   Link #7513
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Originally Posted by Destined_Fate View Post
She cried because Lelouch died not because she wanted to get romantically involved with him. And no he didn't like Kallen go easily, that's why he says nothing because if he started to speak he wouldn't have been able to control himself or go on with ZR. He took the hard road and stayed silent so that Kallen could live on since he has shown that he doesn't want her to suffer the same fate as Shirley or to betray her country.
Now you're just lying and making this up as you go.
He rejected Kallen's advance and forced her away in episode 25, there is no disputing that.
You saying that Lelouch would loose control is projecting your own beliefs onto the character without any basis in actual fact.
You are delusion, and irrational on this matter.

Lelouch did have feelings for Kallen, but they weren't strong enough for him to make any advance towards her outside of asking her for sex when he was in dispair.
That's not love, that's wanting to get your wick wet and it's the same reason men hire hookers.
Anyone who is too immature to understand that needs to grow up.

Lelouch didn't just want to have sex with Kallen, he loved her with all his heart as he loved Shirley with all his heart. However Lelouch didn't love C.C. in that way and neither did C.C. who outright says MULTIPLE TIMES that she doesn't have that kind of relationship with Lelouch nor does she want it. Lelouch doesn't even entertain the thought of them being romantically involved or seeing her as an object to stick it in.
Totally unsubstantiated bullshit.
You reallly have it bad don't you.
I show the anime and you can't accept the truth.
You start babbling about your own pet theories as if they have more weight than the anime itself.

Let me put it another way.
You're not Okouchi, you don't know what Lelouch felt, and therefore you make an ass of yourself by saying you do know without showing proof.

I gave you proof, but I'm not going to bother digging up all the Youtube clips of CC x Lelouch because you are so wrapped up in your own belief that holding your hand and pointing out every step of the development of their relationship would be fruitless.
I'm not a teenager with all the time in the world to waste, so I'll not waste any more on a child that simply says "NO" like a 3 year old every time I show him the truth.

You're doing a huge disservice to Lelouch's character by implying that sex is all he wants out of anyone(Especially Kallen when that's far from the case since she was his true love). Even when he asked Kallen that it was because he was extremely depressed and wanted anything that would comfort him. From Refrain to actually feeling the comfort of a woman that he's attracted to and frustrated that nothing has come out of his relationship yet with her despite both wanting more but circumstance getting in the way of it.
True love?
I'd ask for proof of this but I already know you can't back it up.

There is a big difference between soliciting a woman for a piece of ass and telling her your inner most secrets.
CC knew all of Lelouch's secrets, he shared everything with her.
Kallen didn't know the half of it.
The relationship between CC and Lelouch is vastly different than that of Kallen and Lelouch.
Never does Lelouch buy Kallen clothes, or let her live with him, or confide in her his plans, or share a tender moment.
Lelouch's relationship with Kallen is coarse.

And no, Lelouch didn't want to marry C.C. She was a motherly figure to him, there was zero sexual tension or desire between them in that way. It would have been like screwing your own mother and I doubt Lelouch would do something like that even if some shipped him with Euphie until he killed her.
How many poetic moments did Kallen and Lelouch share?
Oh, that's right, none.
How many poetic moments did CC and Lelouch share?
At least one, when CC asks Lelouch "Why is snow white?"
He responds later "I don't know why snow is white, all I know is that I don't hate it."
The meaning, he doesn't hate CC, and it's a tender moment between them in the cave after the battle of Narita that Kallen once again cockblocks.
I realize you have to be of a mature mind to understand the meanings in these tender moments between CC and Lelouch.
You clearly missed the meaning behind that and many other scenes in the show and it's a pity because Okouchi did an excellent job in writing them.

The degress are this.
You clearly do not understand women or romance.
I strongly suggest you buy a few books by Jane Austin or Danielle Steele and learn what romance is about.

Then go back and watch Code Geass again.
Once you get a grasp from a woman's perspective, you'll see what I'm talking about.

From this point on we're just going to have to agree to disagree. I know what I saw and you know what you saw, we just interpeted things differently and nothing you say or I say will change that.
Then don't bring it up again.
When I know I'm right I don't budge.
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