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Old 2012-05-28, 10:47   Link #31560
That one guy
Join Date: Nov 2011
Second unit "FL-Meikai"

a sub-aquatic unit that does its work best under water but can hold it's own above ground.

As an underwater unit, it's normal to find propeller engines on it, however the engines this time are oddly connected to the head, along with directing fins.

Along the body of the unit is covered in scale like armor which serves a three fold purpose: primary of which is defensive armor plating. Second is their capacity to increase movement in water via vibration. The last function is a last resort weapon which turns each scale into a homing dart.

The main weapon of the unit is its spear. The spearhead can split open and reveal a core which can manipulate chemical bonds of hydrogen and oxygen. This allows the spear to compound water even in the driest of places, as well as manipulation of its states.
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