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Old 2012-05-28, 16:57   Link #1672
Join Date: Dec 2011
Age: 30
Originally Posted by Godlike1889 View Post
I was hoping if someone could help with this problem: Every image-uploader I have tried decreases the quality of my render. Which really is too bad ;(
Here's the image + psd:


extra info: I saved it as PNG 24 (interlaced). Is there anything I am doing wrong? The render looks just fine in the psd file D:
I guess that's because the filesize of the render is over 4MB. A lot of image uploaders like to reduce quality to decrese file size. Hm, but why do you need to upload it to the internet, anyway?

If you really need to upload it to the internet, then I'd recommend using Dropbox to do so. It might take a while to sync due to the large file size, but there'll be no decrease in quality. For example, how's this?
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