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Old 2012-05-29, 22:47   Link #84
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Currently the most plausible immortality is the methuselarity method.

As in, people still die in all the ways they do now, but less and less likely, extending to infinity.

How does it work?
Well, simple. Instead of making any individual immortal, methuselarity uses science and medicine to extend average lifespan by one year, every year.
Let's use me as an example. In Australia I am expected to live to 81.5 years. But what if we reach methuselarity? Next year I would be expected to live to 82.5 years. And so on. I will never reach the end of my life expectancy as long as science and medicine can advance fast enough to outpace my aging.

This doesn't make me immortal. At any time I can still die in a number of ways. What's different is then I will no longer HAVE to die. There is no hard cap by which I measure the time I have left on this Earth anymore. I could then, in theory though not likely, live forever.

The best part about this? No magic required. It is entirely plausible and obey laws of physics.
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