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Old 2012-05-30, 17:47   Link #196
Beyond the Event Horizon
Join Date: May 2012
Age: 35
Originally Posted by chromeknickers View Post
The anime is a bit of a shock since it takes away all the deredere moments from Kirino in the manga. She's even less abrasive in the light novel, which leaves me wondering why producers thought it would be best to make her a hardcore type A tsundere for the anime. I guess to dissuade any wincest thoughts from the viewers. -le shrug-
I dunno, having only read the LN (well I've seen like 3 episodes of the anime but that doesn't really count), she still comes off as really abrasive. I've been told she gets better later, but three volumes in and she still rather annoys me (even though her scenes are entertaining). Granted, I've also heard that the anime makes it much worse, and I sort of agree -_-...

As for a possible reason why the anime is made the way it is, it's a tradeoff between pure comedy and more serious stuff. In the novel they have way more time to develop the characters, whereas in the anime decided to sacrifice a lot of the development in exchange for pure comedy, much of which is often slapstick. That's why every time I watch the anime it just feels so so rushed. If that style's your cup of tea, that's fine, but I prefer the character development.
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