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Old 2012-06-03, 11:29   Link #73
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Originally Posted by totoum View Post
As meaning she's the only reason as to why there was a rise in anime originals.
Well, of course she's not. All I meant was is that she's been helpful to that rise, and that rise might have been a little less pronounced or successful without her.

While Directors are important, probably most important for adaptation work, I don't think we should sell short the role of the head writer, especially for anime originals. A lot of the flaws people point out in shows like Guilty Crown and (admittedly ironically) Aquarion EVOL comes down to writing. Both Guilty Crown and EVOL have good-to-great Directing, IMO, but their writing doesn't match up as well.

Likewise, I have little doubt that a lot of the strengths of AnoHana and Hansaku Iroha comes down to writing.

Originally Posted by Utsuro no Hako View Post
Yeah, sure. That's a fair characterization. I mean, AKB0048 begins by establishing that the galaxy is ruled by an oppressive manocracy that hates girls doing girly things, so, yeah, it's a theme.
Well, it's a tiresome "theme". And it's not even a theme, really. It's just using fiction as a vehicle to bash men.

But I don't see anything wrong with it.
Well, it's simply not enjoyable, at least in my opinion, to constantly see your gender bashed and made to look bad vis a vis the opposite gender (heck, this is probably the main reason why North American sitcoms lost me as a viewer a long time ago). So I would like to see Okada become more comfortable in writing strong, likable male characters.

I mean, isn't it good to see male protagonists that are actually worth rooting for? If you're going to have a lot of characters from both genders, then it might be nice to at least try to be a bit even-handed about it, and not cast one gender has drastically inferior to the other.

Considering the way female characters are so often treated in anime,
You mean as the stars of the show that the viewer is meant to feel "moe" over?

I'm not saying that female characters are handled perfectly in anime, but they're handled a helluva lot better than how Okada handles her male characters, imo. At least moe girls get to be, well, moe. Which, for many anime fans, means much the same as "likeable". Okada's male characters are often total losers or douchebags where it's sometimes hard to find any redeemable traits at all.

...if a female writer wants to do the reverse, more power to her.
The reverse would be a bishi-fest, where the guys are at least intended to be likable and "dreamy".
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