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Old 2012-06-09, 05:53   Link #8644
Join Date: Aug 2009
Age: 33

Hm. This looks just like a set-up chapter. It seems Rufus of ST will end up as Gray's eventual opponent, so I wouldn't mind seeing that. Also, it seems Blue Pegasus has an ace up its sleeve. That's pretty much it.

Oh, yes. Let's not forget that Laxus will be fighting five people at once. I'm kind of ambivalent with regards to this. On one hand, I wouldn't want Raven Tail to be portrayed as weak. They've proven themselves to be formidable, so I wouldn't appreciate Mashima-sensei stomping over that for the "Rule of Cool". On the other hand, I'm against any usage of any BS deus ex machina to bail him out of the situation. We get enough of that nonsense with Natsu, so doing it with a character who was actually awesome would be a joke.

Oh, well. In any case, I should probably just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Damaged Goods
"There’s an up higher than up, but at the very top, down is all there is."
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