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Old 2012-06-09, 07:57   Link #8650
Evil Mage
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location:, not there.Yes, there!
Age: 32
Maybe the Bunny will be the one who will see through that illusion?
For some reason I get the feeling that once the Bunny goes into action, everyone will have faces like Makarov after Mavis told him whit a cute face that she gave Cana Fairy Glitter .

But seriously who do you think it is?
1) Gildarts.
2) Master of Tartaros.
3) Bob. (not likely since the Bunny isn't fat)
4) A Wizard Saint.
5) Some high-level criminal. (like Jellal or even more dangerous)
6) A dragon-slayer!
7) Zeref.
8) A real Bunny.

Well anyway the name of the next chapter suggest that Laxus will get help from his "real family", and Raven will get disqualified and FT will have even more chances to win!!!
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