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Old 2012-06-11, 23:50   Link #1212
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: 42° 10' N (Latitude) 87° 33' W (Longitude)
Age: 45
Originally Posted by night_sentinel View Post
Guys, Koromo can't have faced Teru in the tournament. Touka said in the previous season that they got knocked out before Koromo got to play in the semi-finals. The team that did this was Rinkai( the foreigner team). Ryuumonbuchi just watched the finals and concluded that Miyanaga Teru is a monster beyond monsters.

And no one knows what will happen if Koromo faced Teru but, Koromo needs it to be night with a full moon to use most of her abilities like her "no tenpai field" and "haitei". She can still use haitei a bit without the full moon power but its not that effective which is why when Koromo curb stomped Shizuno, Touka said that it wasn't even half of Koromo's true power considering it was noon at that time.

Before the prefecture no one knows Koromo's true power since Koromo has not yet played during a full moon on official tournament. Its mentioned that this did not happen in the previous nationals or prefecturals which is why Kana who played Koromo previously and Yumi who researches everything got blindsided by Koromo's strength.
I rest my case.
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