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Old 2012-06-18, 20:23   Link #48
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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Have to say the mystery did get more complicated thanks to the staff's actions.

Have the assistant director and actors who were fine with ad lib and since the writer wasn't there we can't completely trust what was said in the film. Not to mention said assistant director wanting more drama and impact than actual mystery. Maybe that's part of the reason why the acting was so bad. Not exactly a sharp guy either.

Then have the arrogant props manager. Besides apparently thinking he could have written a better mystery he messed with things. Adding way more blood than the writer intended without even thinking as to why she wanted so little blood. Therefore the massive pool of blood can't be treated as accurate. The information about the rope was interesting, but multiple ways to look at it. Besides Houtarou got the main point that the window was too old and loud to be used. It also hits the other guy's argument since the guy would have seen the killer coming from a mile away.

The last theory was at least entertaining and the girl was less frustrating than the others. Though the bit about the blood confirms there wasn't supposed to be a lot of deaths. Sure maybe the killer turns into someone who goes around choking everyone to death, but in that case the killer wouldn't have chopped an arm off and just followed the same pattern.

The script was nice to have though. Proves the main guy wrong since the writer wanted no sign of someone having been on the grass. Also wrote up the room being blocked so wouldn't matter if it was when she had been blocked or no when she went.

Do wonder if Hongou's feelings on this whole movie will play a role in who the killer actually was. Majority decided she had to write the story, majority told her what kind of story to write, and that it had to be a movie. That's a lot of pressure to put on someone who was sick at times. On that note wonder if someone that Hongou felt represented her will end up being the killer and the motive will be resentment about having to go on that trip? In the end feel like with the first story it'll be the secret feelings that are the key to figuring this mystery out.

It was pretty entertaining to watch Chitanda go around drunk. She doesn't exactly back off normally and was just bobbing around when that script came up. Certainly saw something in that meeting log that caught her interest. Regardless I found it odd that she doesn't enjoy reading mystery novels. I mean miss "I'm curious" doesn't care for novel mysteries even though she's constantly curious about real life ones?
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