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Old 2012-06-21, 16:44   Link #247
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Yes, I think even that passage--at least in that translation--specifies heavily that it is the man they are describing. It doesn't say anything about the child he was (who was presumably more or less normal). You can't separate the man from his childhood experiences, though I do agree that since not everyone who experiences terrible childhoods grow into saving the world martyrs, that isn't the only cause per se. There has to be some inclination there, as well, whether that stems from biology or upbringing.

And I totally agree that this is in direct and unsubtle contrast to Kirei whose sociopathy/psychopathy is pretty clearly a state of being, regardless of age or experience.

I don't particularly like Kiritsugu (even after reading the novels, etc.), but I can certainly understand at least why he'd have been damaged the way he was by his formative experiences, and why he'd feel the compulsive need to gamble everything on the hope of a miracle that prove it had all been worthwhile, even as it redressed the damages. I think that much, at least, is a pretty human response.

I can't remember where I saw it. but I think someone else had mentioned Future Diary, and although it's less developed in that series, I think you can see something of the same psychology in late-series Yuuki.
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