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Old 2012-06-22, 14:51   Link #1460
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: 42° 10' N (Latitude) 87° 33' W (Longitude)
Age: 45
Originally Posted by Magewolf View Post
Is it just me or do most of Achiga's problems lead back to Harue Akado.She has failed them across the board.

Kuro's problem is that her power is a noose around her neck against any good player with stats on her.But I really blame her coach.She sent her like a lamb to slaughter without even warning her about it.The coach is a pro so she must have seen the holes in Kuro game and that she would implode at the national level but she did nothing about it.

First of all. We do not see any evidence of player rotation. And too bad there isn't any player rotation. Otherwise, I would have sent either Arata or Ako first against Teru. Shizu would be nice too, but she's better off as the closer.

Second of all. Kuro playing first allowed the Achiga team to get this far in the first place, where her playing style produced some kind of "shock effect" to other teams with her dora magnet. Of course, this was nullified when Senriyama figured it out; and likewise, Teru sees right through her.

Thirdly. We have no real clue as to how they handled training throughout this series, prior to the Nationals. All that detail was fluffed through in order to squeeze the whole series into 12 (now 15) episodes. With Harue being a minor pro. -- even she should have access to a mahjong pro. and subject the Achiga girls to that kind of beating.
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