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Old 2012-06-23, 21:44   Link #710
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Moe Land
Age: 43
Well their mix result ideas kinda back fires, because every time they show something alot know where it came from an example of that is the worm boss and the Futurama Slurm Queen which have ALOT of similarities storywise and look. It's not fresh or new it's already been done, they're just ripping off other media.

This is a non canon retelling of the origin story or an experiment. Also it's been said already that gamers that tired it, it's not at par nor near DMC3 level of gameplay nor speed. Which they said it would be better, but it's not.

Also other articles Donte/Dino aka FU is not gay. lol Damage control yet again.
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