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Old 2012-06-24, 18:58   Link #157
Riding the Ange Express
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Sunriseland
Originally Posted by miketyson View Post
Vena: I see it and I don't. I share your feeling for why (1) Zessica even exists and (2) why go to such lengths to show she's unhappy even in the finale...but even if you cut her out it just makes the lack of thematic coherency less obvious, and not really any less present.

It's getting back to the same issues you've raised a bunch of times: Amata and Kagura being the same person really weakens any fate-related distinction between the two of them, regardless of what the characters themselves have to say about their own reasons for doing things.

Sure, having Zessica out there working hard the way she did really pulls it into focus, but it's not like excising her from the plot would do anything much to fix the underlying lack-of-fate-related-distinction between Amata and Kagura vis-a-vis Mikono. (It would be possible to patch that up with better writing and so on, but I'm sticking to ceteris-paribus, no-more-Zessica...).

Some speculation in light of the ending:
Spoiler for Zessica a bad girl?:
That is a good point. Like you said, wasn't executed well.
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