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Old 2012-06-29, 10:51   Link #47
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Michigan, USA
Originally Posted by ZeKeR View Post
So you're active on the LN? nice.
I've been working with Baka-Tsuki as a way to improve my Japanese. I started working on Toradora Spinoff at the end of 2009, and started working on Golden Time the day I received it, in October 2010. It took me 16 months to finish the first book. After doing the first chapter of the spinoff, I returned to volume 2 and continue to work on it.

Originally Posted by ZeKeR View Post
So its like that personality he has is a fragment of his original self and did Kouko and Mitsuo make up?
Kouko and Mitsuo have emphatically not made up, at least not at this point (halfway through book 2 chapter 1). Banri has discovered that Linda was once his girlfriend, before he lost his memory, but is mystified as to why she has said nothing, and afraid to ask her why. Perhaps because he feels a certain obligation to his former existence, he has "broken up" with Kouko, thinking he should be more loyal to Linda, but has not properly explained it to Kouko and remains friends with her at her insistence.

We are given vague hints as to why Linda has not said anything, but nothing definite. You could get the impression she thought that Banri had some growing up to do before she could commit to him . . . and then the accident happened, conveniently erasing his memories. So now she has the chance to reconnect with him, or not, depending on how things go and what she feels. She repeatedly pokes him with comments and reminders about needing to remember.

There is a scene in the first book where Banri is asleep, but the phone is ringing softly with a call from Linda. Banri doesn't awake, but his ghost sees it all . . . and is utterly unable to do anything to get Banri to wake up and answer the phone.
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