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Old 2012-07-04, 16:17   Link #990
The Most Hated™
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: A random coordinate on the space-time continuum
Age: 36
ohohoh i caused some stirr in the time-space continuum

for the record i like science very around 12 years old until high school i dreamt of becoming a scientist, who would discover a cheap sustainable energy-source which does not pollute....but entering high school this dream was shattered: everyone teased me my parents would say that your aspiration wouldn't bring money home.. how could you sustain a family with archeology, paleontology astronomy, geology, or nuclear physics.(these were my dreams to become).

another issue was that my parents are not rich so they couldn't afford to send me to a foreign country, where i could learn all these. and then came the cold shower. even though i was good in science at school (geography, chemistry, physics, biology and history) at math i was a ZERO. i hardly understood anything that went beyond the basics. even though i could get average grades about C+/- i wasn't good in math. which was almost a necessity for my aspirations.

returning to the topic. genetic engineering: removing diseases and mutations could end the suffering of many people don't forget that. i brings us closer to being ideal but what i was referring to was to enhance genes so parents would have children who were smart beautiful and talented in many aspects of life. this was i referring to when i said "making everyone the same". in a world where everyone is a genius no one is ugly and everyone is talented ther would be no real meaning of music arts and creativity. i think this kind of society would become dull and monotone.

sorry about the "insulting the scientists of our world" part.... i did not mean any harm to them i know they are making their utmost in their domain and i highly respect them. <<deep bow>>.
i was just saying that coming in contact with an advanced civilization would speed up even more our development to lengths beyond our imagining. i am proud that our scientists discovered so many things( even the atomic bomb earns my respect) it needed tremendous effort from anyone.

i never met identical twins before (i hope i will meet 2 pretty girls one day - but that is for another topic ), but i met fraternal twins and know that everyone is different.. even me and my brother are the complete opposite personalities.

an about the ideal human developing superiority complex: i think it is presumable that if a so called meta-human realizes that he is stronger smarter and more better than anyone lese in his/her group it is causality that he will feel this way. he/she wil need to go through a traumatic exp to not become one so he/she could decide that , won't use his/her abilities against people. but because our modern world is rotten to its core and around 50% of the population is thinkin only of advancing their own goals even if someone is suffering near them i think that these meta-human will also be like that. not all of them but most of them. and you know when a species becomes more advanced than the predecessor it will eliminate somehow the less evolved one. (example cro-magnon vs neanderthals, you know who survived. and in the animal kingdom it is the same).
because us humans are basically operatimg by natural laws (combined with our social ones) it is a fact that in time the more advanced humans will somehow shake off the less evolved ones.

about professional athletes, models and famous people....they are surrounded by a mountain of people but has any one of them said that they are 100% happy or that they have a full-filling life. i know from good sources that the most beautiful of women are 80% of the time the loneliest ones too.. why because "I or we" the less confident boys are too afraid to approach them because we think that they have this aura that we can not penetrate them.
i had the chance to befriend a very pretty girl and she told me these things and that the majority of the female friends of hers are mostly jealous of her and things like this....
so when i did get the insight of this i could feel that she was lonely as much as i was.(off topic - i couldn't hook up with her! <other thread about my problem> )

me with my simple life not being popular and such can say that i am 85-90% happy even though i have my issues and aspirations to fulfill in the future.

i say these things cuz i went through a lot in my life(mainly bad things) and i know how i think and there was a time when i was scared of myself when i realized how this changed me into a being that was not me....but with help from a good female friend i found my way back from the dark side.
Go for your dreams, never give up.Because when you give up your dreams, you die!
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